Framed prints

Premium prints of your brand message on FSC-certified paper. Supplied in durable wooden or metal frames ready to place or hang in both saleroom or offices.

Prints and frames come in multiple sizes and colors to match your brand. Framed prints in postcard size fits nicely next to your products while larger posters attracts attention to your brand in the store.

Printed and shipped locally all over the world.
No minimum order.


From 13×15 cm (5×5″) to 70×100 cm (28×40″)


Metal: Black

Wooden: Black, White, Dark Wood, Natural Wood


Usecase: leverage your brand images

The up-coming sunwear brand, MessyWeekend, based their latest campaign on a series of strong brand photos showing off their popular sunglasses.

They leveraged these powerful pictures in different forms of retail promotion materials and then chose to decorate their corporate offices with the new campaign imagery to connect HQ with the mood of their retail salerooms across the world